The Future of Healthcare Tech and Digital Health

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The Future of Healthcare Tech and Digital Health

Healthcare technology is constantly evolving, and digital health is at the forefront of that evolution. The integration of technology and healthcare is providing more efficient, effective, and accessible healthcare for patients. In this article, we will explore the future of healthcare technology and digital health, and how these technologies are changing the face of healthcare.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent in healthcare, from analyzing medical data to robotic-assisted surgeries. AI can help physicians diagnose and treat diseases more accurately, and with greater precision. It can also improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Additionally, AI can be used to analyze electronic health records, which can help physicians make more informed decisions about patient care.

Arterys is doing the marvelous job by providing multiple AI-based platforms to help doctors in the detection of diseases like breast cancer, MRI post-processing for quantification of 4D flow, detecting features, assistance for neuro vascular emergencies, and much more.

Artificial Intelligence in heathcare tech

AI-based Platforms


Robotic-assisted surgeries are becoming more common in healthcare. These surgeries can provide greater precision and accuracy, and can even help reduce patient recovery time. Additionally, robotics can be used to automate tasks, such as medication delivery, freeing up healthcare professionals to focus on more complex tasks.

Medtronic is doing a wonderful job in robotic assistance surgery to make it possible for doctors to perform surgery remotely, or from anywhere around the world.

Here is the video link so you can get to know more about RAS systems.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices that can communicate with each other to improve healthcare. This technology can help monitor patients remotely, collect data from wearable devices, and even alert healthcare professionals if a patient needs immediate attention. IoT devices can also help physicians and patients communicate more effectively, providing real-time feedback and updates.

Singaporean medical technology firm Aevice Health showcased its latest development, AeviceMD. This smart wearable stethoscope, powered by AI, has a lightweight sensor that continuously and passively analyzes chest sounds, and measures and logs respiratory rate and heart rate.

Internet of Things in healthcare tech

Electronic Stethoscope

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is being used in healthcare to help treat a variety of conditions, including PTSD, anxiety, and chronic pain. This technology can provide a safe and controlled environment for patients to confront and overcome their fears. VR can also be used to train medical professionals, providing a safe environment for practicing complex procedures.

Karuna Lab a US-based company is working on VR technology in healthcare and they introduced a 12-week home chronic pain management program to reduce the pain for patients.


Telemedicine is the use of digital communication technology to provide medical care remotely. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Telemedicine can help patients receive care from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for travel and reducing healthcare costs. This technology is particularly useful for patients who live in rural areas, where access to healthcare can be limited.

Pakistan has taken a remarkable step towards the advancement of telemedicine with the development of the Digital Mualij Pod. It is a commendable achievement that such a robust device, capable of acquiring vital signs and transmitting them via a cloud server, has been designed and developed by Prof. Engr. Dr. Zia Mohy Ud Din of Air University in Pakistan. The incorporation of temperature monitoring, blood pressure monitoring, pulse oximetry, height, and weight measurement into a single device is truly impressive. This innovation will undoubtedly benefit the healthcare industry and provide access to quality medical care in remote areas. Pakistan should be proud of this significant contribution to the field of telemedicine, and it is a testament to the country’s growth potential in scientific research and development.

Telemedicine in healthcare tech


3D Printing

3D printing is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by allowing for the creation of personalized medical devices and implants. This technology can help reduce surgery time, improve patient outcomes, and even save lives. 3D printing can also be used to create anatomical models for medical education and training purposes.

Lawrence Bonassar of Cornell University used 3D photos of human ears to create ear moulds. The moulds were then filled with a gel containing bovine cartilage cells suspended in collagen, which held the shape of the ear while cells grew their extracellular matrix. They created the replica of a human ear:

3D printing is revolutionizing the healthcare tech

Canadian scientists have printed synthetic noses for skin cancer patients. The printing used real human nose cartilage cells, donated by people having nose jobs, with collagen-based hydrogel. The nose job requires surgery, though, while Chinese scientists started research on mice printing the ear directly inside the animal.

Wearable Devices

Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, are becoming increasingly popular in healthcare. These devices can monitor a patient’s vital signs, track physical activity, and even monitor sleep patterns. Wearable devices can help patients and physicians monitor and manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, providing real-time data to help with treatment decisions.

At CES 2023, health technology company, alphabeats was honored for its alphabeats device, a portable, headband-style wearable that monitors brain activity to help athletes enter a flow state. The device is equipped with EEG sensors and uses music-based biofeedback to trigger the brain into producing higher alpha brainwave activity. The company claims that regular use of the device can result in noticeable improvements in mental function over time.


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